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How Do You Handle the Tough Times?

by John Lloyd in June 2013 - Smart Thinking For Crazy Times

‘Where the loser saw barriers, the winner saw hurdles.’ Robert Brault

Read the news lately? Here are a few recent headlines: ‘Recession Is Now Officially Here’, ‘Report Says Petrol
Prices Could Soon Top Thirteen Rand’, ‘XYZ Company – Massive Retrenchments’, ‘Inflation Soars’ and ‘Interest Rates Will Increase’.

While the world seems to be falling down around us, a small group of enlightened individuals realise and accept that business is cyclical and that we will always live in a permanent balance of boom times or recession.

My seven recommended ways to manage and handle the tough times:

  • You and you alone are responsible for your response

No matter how difficult or frustrating a situation is, only you can control how you react. You have the ability to reflect, evaluate, strategize and make a decision. You can’t control the situation, but you do have full control of how you respond to it. There is tremendous power in accepting a situation and taking full responsibility to improve it.

  • Ask yourself, ‘What is the opportunity here and how am I benefi ting from this experience?’

In every single situation there is an opportunity. What is your challenge telling you? Do you need to repair a relationship? Should you change the way you do business? Find new resources? Your response and solution to
tough times will always take you to the next level. This approach is empowering.

  • Do your very best and let life and the Universe take care of the rest

When times are difficult, it’s more important than ever to pursue excellence. Focus on what you can control and execute brilliantly. Then go home and release it. Don’t stress – switch off – the situation will always be waiting tomorrow.

  • Disengage from the noise

Find some peace and quiet. Spend time in nature or with your family. Go to an art gallery or listen to music. Get away from the noise and chatter of the situation. This is a time to be calm and rejuvenate your spirit, soul and energy levels.

  • Don’t take tough times personally

Remember that a tough time is an event, not a person. You are not alone in the lifeboat.

  • Take great care of your health

Challenging situations can energise us. They can also wear us down. Be sure to work out and eat healthily. And rest well!

  • Don’t forget: the tough times will end

Will you be ready to take advantage of the good times?

"Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging." - Joseph Campbell

John Lloyd is a business growth strategist, award-winning marketing consultant, speaker, trainer, columnist and author of Smart Thinking for Crazy Times. For more information contact John on 083 638 8788, email him at or visit www.brandstorm.co.za


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