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Smart Thinking For Crazy Times

How Do You Handle the Tough Times?

June 2013

‘Where the loser saw barriers, the winner saw hurdles.’ Robert Brault Read the news lately? Here are a few recent headlines: ‘Recession Is Now Officially Here’, ‘Report Says Petrol Prices Could Soon Top Thirteen Rand’, ‘XYZ Company – Massive... Read more »

How to Negotiate the Salary that you Deserve

May 2013

“In business, as in life, you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.” - Chester Karrass I was recently interviewed as a guest on the SABC 2 Morning Live programme. The subject was about the very important matter of salary negotiations. We were flooded with... Read more »

Increase Your Personal Potential

February 2013

According to Zig Ziglar, “It's not what you've got; it's what you use that makes a difference.” One of the tragedies of life is that so many people underutilise their personal potential. I know people who can sing, I mean really sing, but they don’t do a single... Read more »

12 Powerful Phrases Guaranteed to Change your World

April 2013

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Ghandi I’ve written this article with the explicit purpose of reminding you of twelve powerful phrases guaranteed to keep your attitude and mindset positive. Mould these phrases and behaviours into your mind, heart and... Read more »

Make 2013 Your Best Year Yet!

January 2013

Chances are, at some time in your life, you’ve made a New Year’s Resolution - and then broken it. In 2013, stop the cycle of resolving to make change, but then not following through. It’s early 2013 and another year in your life has just begun. Did you accomplish the goals... Read more »


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#UnitSelfStorageCompetition Q4: "How long are the OPENING SPECIALS for UNIT SELF-STORAGE available for?"

Friday, 25 April 20141 retweet

.@ryansandes looking fresh at CP1 in the chase group about 4min behind the leaders. pic.twitter.com/Cf1xIwAVz0

Retweeted Friday, 25 April 20149 retweets

Fujiyoshida, 18.2k, 7th-9th was Grant, Foote, and Sandes. pic.twitter.com/PgAiHBlN19

Retweeted Friday, 25 April 201420 retweets

Dont forget to watch irunfar.com/2014/04/2014-u… for live coverage of #UTMF they are currently interviewing @VanHaywood

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#UnitSelfStorageCompetition Question 3: "What are the garage doors at Unit Self Storage made of?"

Tuesday, 22 April 20141 retweet

#UnitSelfStorageCompetition Q2 -Name 2 architectural touches to ensure that the buildings are visually pleasing in the new storage facility?

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#UnitSelfStorageCompetition - Who’s footsteps has Tarryn Unite-Penny followed in setting up her new storage facility? pic.twitter.com/9NhKVTiEHc

Monday, 07 April 20142 retweets

Reminder about our competition with Unit Self-Storage! See our Facebook page for the comp question and details #UnitSelfStorageCompetition

Monday, 07 April 20142 retweets

COMPETITION: TIP - see our latest issue for all details on Unit Self-Storage!

Thursday, 03 April 2014

COMPETITION!! Unit Self-Storage:: Who’s footsteps has Tarryn Unite-Penny followed in setting up a new storage facility in Southern Suburbs?

Thursday, 03 April 20141 retweet

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