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Chapman's Peak

by Sean Houghton in February 2012 - Hiker's Circle

Chapman’s Peak is one of the most accessible and rewarding hikes on the Peninsula. It’s neither a time-consuming, overly strenuous, difficult or dangerous hike, but it is rather satisfying as it offers superb views of Hout Bay and the Fish Hoek Valley.

From the parking area just below the ticket check point for motorists, it is approximately a two-hour walk to climb the 450-or-so vertical metres to the peak. So take your time and enjoy the unfolding scenery around you.

The path is very well maintained and easy to follow, paved with sandstone rocks most of the way.

Looking north is Hout Bay, The Sentinel, Karbonkelberg, Kleinleeukoppie and the crags and buttresses of Noordhoek Peak and Ridge. To the south is Cape Point and Kommetjie.

If you are going to climb Chapman’s Peak, it is best to do so later in the afternoon. In the morning much of the scenery is obscured by shadows cast by the morning sun and at midday the sun renders a lot of the scenery flat. However, in the late afternoon or sunset the area lights up with an iridescent red glow almost like hot coals as the sinking sun reflects off the normally bright sandstone cliffs. Some days are obviously better than others but if you do witness the area at its blushing best you are guaranteed an unforgettable scene about which you will always struggle to describe just how magical the glow of rocks can be.

You may also be fortunate and enjoy a fantastic sunset, but even if you don’t the horizon is sure to glow red long after the sun has disappeared.

If you stay out longer than planned you can also enjoy the glowing lights of Hout Bay and the view of Fish Hoek and Kommetjie.

Due to the late sunsets around the summer solstice it is quite safe to leave this hike for the late afternoon. Descent is much quicker than the climb and it should be no problem following the path down in the fading light. You should be able to make it back to the carpark before darkness completely envelops the area. If you’re concerned however, take a flashlight or headlamp along with you.

If the wind is blowing, it can be chilly, as with all peaks on the Peninsula. A warm top and/or flask of tea are advisable while soaking in the special spectacular views all around you. The big boulders on the peak mean you can always find a place to shelter from any winds that do blow.

You may also be fortunate enough to see Black or Fish Eagles on this hike as both conceal their nests safe from prying eyes on the inaccessible cliff faces nearby.

While this hike is relatively easy and safe, obvious caution and care must be taken, especially when accompanied by children and/or dogs.

If you really want to understand the beauty of the Cape and the privilege of living in this beautiful part of the world a sunset hike on Chapman’s Peak is a must-do!


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@VeldandFlora Hehehe... Thank you. You can always come by the office for one...

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@SurferChick_25 Thanks so much for letting us know Rene! Great to hear. Have a great day!

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@MTSham Cool... Hope you enjoy it!!

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@RuggaWorld @paulwesch Will be my pleasure Morne...!

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