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Green Life

Geyser Timers

April 2013

To recap, over the last two months we addressed low cost hot water energy saving interventions in the form of lower flow shower heads and insulation. Now that you are familiar with the concept of a payback period and are aware of how quickly the costs spent on an intervention can be recovered... Read more »

Geyser Blanket and Pipe Cladding

March 2013

To recap, last month I introduced the concept of a payback period which is important to understand when considering spending money on hot water technology. A payback will enable you to understand the potential for saving and how long the money you spend (the cost) will take to be repaid by the... Read more »

What About Hot Water?

January 2013

Energy efficiency research has revealed that the average household does almost 400 loads of laundry every year, consuming about 400 kilowats of energy. “Over its lifespan of around 11 years, a washing machine uses enough water to fill three swimming pools. Now imagine how much electricity is... Read more »

Low Cost Hot Water Technology

February 2013

To recap, last month we looked at how changing our behaviour can impact how we use hot water and the resulting saving. This is what I like to call the “low hanging fruit” as it is a “no cost” approach to saving electricity and money. But sometimes old habits are difficult to... Read more »

Green Life

December 2012

What is a green or sustainable life really? How can we live greener or more sustainably? This is a topic that is continually coming into focus in recent times. Many companies are jumping on the band wagon and often creating a ‘green wash’ impression with consumers who are keen to make... Read more »


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#UnitSelfStorageCompetition Q4: "How long are the OPENING SPECIALS for UNIT SELF-STORAGE available for?"

Friday, 25 April 20141 retweet

.@ryansandes looking fresh at CP1 in the chase group about 4min behind the leaders. pic.twitter.com/Cf1xIwAVz0

Retweeted Friday, 25 April 20149 retweets

Fujiyoshida, 18.2k, 7th-9th was Grant, Foote, and Sandes. pic.twitter.com/PgAiHBlN19

Retweeted Friday, 25 April 201420 retweets

Dont forget to watch irunfar.com/2014/04/2014-u… for live coverage of #UTMF they are currently interviewing @VanHaywood

Retweeted Friday, 25 April 20149 retweets

#UnitSelfStorageCompetition Question 3: "What are the garage doors at Unit Self Storage made of?"

Tuesday, 22 April 20141 retweet

#UnitSelfStorageCompetition Q2 -Name 2 architectural touches to ensure that the buildings are visually pleasing in the new storage facility?

Thursday, 10 April 20142 retweets

#UnitSelfStorageCompetition - Who’s footsteps has Tarryn Unite-Penny followed in setting up her new storage facility? pic.twitter.com/9NhKVTiEHc

Monday, 07 April 20142 retweets

Reminder about our competition with Unit Self-Storage! See our Facebook page for the comp question and details #UnitSelfStorageCompetition

Monday, 07 April 20142 retweets

COMPETITION: TIP - see our latest issue for all details on Unit Self-Storage!

Thursday, 03 April 2014

COMPETITION!! Unit Self-Storage:: Who’s footsteps has Tarryn Unite-Penny followed in setting up a new storage facility in Southern Suburbs?

Thursday, 03 April 20141 retweet

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