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Mother Nature Nurtures

by Megan Diener in May 2013 - Health Circle


by Dr Eva Mihal, Moya Naturopathy & Wellness Centre

Consisting largely of carbohydrates in a highly digestible form, honey is one of nature’s most amazing energy foods and although honey has more calories than sugar, if you have it in a herbal tea or simply with hot water and lemon, it helps digest fat stored in the body.

Add a pinch of cinnamon and you’ve got yourself a metabolic balancing drink. A teaspoon of raw honey a day will reduce histamine production and mixed with raw apple cider makes a great alkalizing agent. It is even considered to be ergogenic, improving athletic performance, as it helps maintain blood sugar levels, muscle recuperation and
glycogen restoration after exercise.

Honey is full of helpful vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants; it has anti-bacterial/ fungal properties and can be used as a natural antiseptic, thus improving overall immunity.

How honey cures your allergies

Eating raw, un-treated, organic honey daily works similarly to a vaccination; introducing a pathogen (virus/ bacteria) into the body in low and/ or innocuous doses triggers an immune response in the body without real risk of infection; thus the body produces antibodies designed to fight off the foreign invaders. When the body is actually exposed to the pathogen, it already has the antibodies to fight off infection.

Immunotherapy with honey

The Xavier University in New Orleans has undertaken some studies, concluding that as your local honey contains a variety of the same pollen spores produced by your surrounding flowers and grasses, introducing these into the body in small amounts by eating honey, should make the body accustomed to their presence and decrease the chance of an immune system and histamine response when exposed to environmental pollens.


Himalayan rock salt contains 84 naturally occurring minerals and trace elements and is thought to be the purest salt in the world. It helps to eliminate toxins, balance the body’s pH, normalise blood pressure and improve circulation, amongst other things.

It is also great as a muscle soak due to the high mineral content. Always remember that your body needs salt to function, but no matter how natural the salt, an excess is extremely bad for your health!


Mix half a cup of coarse sugar or sea salt with just enough coconut oil to make it damp. Add a few drops of essential oil for added aromatherapy benefits too! Apply in the shower before turning the water on. Great as a gift!

“One of the major problems is what we do to the soil, the air and the water! Everything we do we take in our food.” - Charlotte Gerson, Food Matters


The dark red colour of beetroot reflects the richness it stores within. Less frequently available are yellow, white and stripy versions. An acquired sweet and earthy taste, it has recently become a popular choice to include in salads and health drinks, and for good reason.

It has been linked with better stamina, improved blood flow and lower blood pressure. The website lovebeetroot.co.uk says the vegetable became popular in Roman times and it was used to treat fever, constipation,
wounds, skin problems - and was used as an aphrodisiac.

These days we know that it contains potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamins A, B6 and C, folic acid, carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants and soluble fibre. High concentrations of nitrates in beetroot are converted into nitrites by bacteria in the mouth. Nitrites help open blood vessels in the body, increasing blood flow and oxygen to places lacking in oxygen.

The results of daily intake of beetroot juice is that it may help lower blood pressure, and in turn help to fight heart disease; an increased blood flow to the brain in older people may help fight the progression of dementia; improved oxygen delivery gives a much needed performance boost to athletes.

Here is a recipe for a really delicious juice:


• 1 beetroot
• 1/2 pineapple
• 1 large cucumber

Run all the ingredients through a juicer and serve in a tall glass to enjoy the gorgeous purple colour!


Beet greens and to a lesser extent beet roots are high in oxalate, and are generally considered unsuitable for people following a low-oxalate diet. Anyone with a history of oxalate-containing kidney stones should avoid over-consuming beetroot and beet greens.

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