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What on Earth?

The Gulf Between Us

October 2012

I have been fortunate to have travelled to some fascinating parts of the world. My memories of Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, where I enjoyed some truly exquisite cuisine and culture, of Havana, Cuba, where despite hardship, the people are amongst the most vibrant of any I’ve met. All these... Read more »

Scoring Our Own Goals

September 2012

July 4th, 2012 marked the day that South Africans began the serious business of national coercion. That’s what I thought I heard, from almost everyone talking about the need to develop a sense of nationhood in our democratic but divided country. From the motley array of politicians... Read more »

Counting Up To Free

July 2012

South Africans are a hardy bunch when dealing with change. We’ve made significant adjustments in our lives and attitudes. We are personally resilient. We’ve grudgingly got on with our lives. We aren’t cheerful about it, but we tolerate the turmoil that accompanies change, and... Read more »

Growing Old Is A Bad Habit

August 2012

Despite claims that sixty is the new fifty, that age is in the mind and one is only as old as one feels, all of us are aging. Some don’t look their age, refuse to act their age or dress ageappropriately. But there’s no escaping the sands of time heaping up in our hour glasses. Growing... Read more »

Sticks and stones and other names that hurt

June 2012

Living in the Cape, we are accustomed to a rousing winter storm, lots of blue sky and some lovely, if somewhat polluted, rivers that criss-cross the Peninsula. There once was a time when storms, the sky and rivers referred almost exclusively to the natural environment. Yes, metaphorically... Read more »

More Articles...

  1. The Anti-platitude Attitude
  2. Too Good To Be True
  3. The Business of the World
  4. Time is Eternity


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#UnitSelfStorageCompetition Q4: "How long are the OPENING SPECIALS for UNIT SELF-STORAGE available for?"

Friday, 25 April 20141 retweet

.@ryansandes looking fresh at CP1 in the chase group about 4min behind the leaders. pic.twitter.com/Cf1xIwAVz0

Retweeted Friday, 25 April 20149 retweets

Fujiyoshida, 18.2k, 7th-9th was Grant, Foote, and Sandes. pic.twitter.com/PgAiHBlN19

Retweeted Friday, 25 April 201420 retweets

Dont forget to watch irunfar.com/2014/04/2014-u… for live coverage of #UTMF they are currently interviewing @VanHaywood

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#UnitSelfStorageCompetition Question 3: "What are the garage doors at Unit Self Storage made of?"

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#UnitSelfStorageCompetition Q2 -Name 2 architectural touches to ensure that the buildings are visually pleasing in the new storage facility?

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#UnitSelfStorageCompetition - Who’s footsteps has Tarryn Unite-Penny followed in setting up her new storage facility? pic.twitter.com/9NhKVTiEHc

Monday, 07 April 20142 retweets

Reminder about our competition with Unit Self-Storage! See our Facebook page for the comp question and details #UnitSelfStorageCompetition

Monday, 07 April 20142 retweets

COMPETITION: TIP - see our latest issue for all details on Unit Self-Storage!

Thursday, 03 April 2014

COMPETITION!! Unit Self-Storage:: Who’s footsteps has Tarryn Unite-Penny followed in setting up a new storage facility in Southern Suburbs?

Thursday, 03 April 20141 retweet

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