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The Taxi

Party Crashers

December 2011

Service or an overreaction? Mr. KT shares the details of a 21st gone wrong. I might have inadvertently given my neighbours a bad rap. Last month my daughter celebrated her 21st birthday and her sister organised a good old-fashioned house-party on the Saturday to celebrate (the financial times... Read more »

Pretence or Patriotism?

October 2011

I’m starting to question how patriotic I really am. One of the hardest things growing up under apartheid was the inability to feel a sense of proud citizenship. The idea of belonging to any group or organisation that seemed to have any association with the powers-that-be at the time was... Read more »

The Meaning of Kapetonian

August 2011

I don't remember exactly when I realized I was Kapetonian, although I suspect it was around the time I lived away from the Mother City for a while. For most of my childhood I was from Elsies River (where I grew up) for some of it I was from Eureka (my Primary School), for some John Ramsay (my... Read more »

Dream It

September 2011

I am starting a radio station. It is important that I un-pick this idea before it overwhelms me. Why do I want to do this? It's not like in my broadcasting dream I ever seriously considered the possibility. Yes, at times I've smiled at the idea in my head, or imagined the possibilities if... Read more »

Tuning Cape Town One Broadcast at a Time

July 2011

I don't fancy myself a poet I think if you are you know it But I don't consider it a crime To play around with rhyme Think me off my noodle But like some people doodle I find, and I find often enough It helps me make sense of life-stuff I suppose the best way to... Read more »

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